Abstract Submission

Abstract submission has now been closed!

Invited speakers are still able to upload their abstracts. Please click here!

Abstracts for presentations must be submitted using the online submission form (you can copy and paste i.e. from a word file or an editor). The abstract should be no longer than 1.350 characters (incl. spaces) and should be submitted in English, figures are not allowed.

The abstract has to be assigned to one of the following Topics:

    Origin and Ontogeny of Myeloid Cells
    Innate Immune Memory
    Transcriptional Networks
    Signal Transduction
    Autophagy/Antigen Processing
    Innate Immune Defects


Deadline for the submission is August 1st, 2014 (23:59 CET) extended deadline.

Notifications will be sent before August 21st, 2014 (postponed).

If you have probems with the abstract submission please contact the Eventmanagement of the University of Vienna: congress@univie.ac.at or visit the techniqual support page!

Konferenztitel | Universitätsring 1  | 1010 Wien